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THANK YOU to all of my collectors and friends and new folks that we met that braved the heat at the #ohiorenaissancefestival! I had the chance to do a live demonstration at the fair over the last two days I am proud to present 

"FROSC THE FABLED"! WIZARD FROG! in his domain surrounded by his intellectual sophisticated friends which include the squirrel dragonfly cricket butterfly and other wheat folk that reside in this enchanted pond 


HUZZAH! Dustin and I have completed the set up at the Art of Ed Beard Jr shop building #1010 here at the #ohiorenaissancefestival! we are ready to meet and greet all our collectors fans and new friends we will meet on this grand opening #labordayweekend . ALSO I will be live drawing/demonstrating for a sneak peek at yet another in my collection of original black-and-white works, and it is not what you would ever expect to see drawn from me!

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